Illustration Friday-Run
Click image for a larger view.
And now for something completely different... I did this entirely in Freehand. I haven't really done anything like this before. I just try to see something in my mind, then draw the view.
I will probably try some variations on this and post them the next day or two, so check back.
Click image for a larger view.
OK, the second image is after a bit of Photoshop work.
Let me know what you think!
Both are good, but I prefer the second - the added pattern and darker colors give it much more depth!
the second is much better - looks like actual stockings, the first could be something white spilt on her leg!
Both are great but the texture created in the second image makes it pop!
Very original take on the prompt and nice work.
what a great take on the subject.. really thinking outside the box
I agree with lucrezia! The second one is better cause it has more depht. And I personnaly prefer the colours of the second one! :) Nice!
Excellent image, better after a little Photoshop work. Thanks for the nice comment on my post.
sexy nice and ready to run..
Just wonderful! I have some sketches I did with the same idea. Not nearly as good as yours, though! Back to the drawing board for me! :) Wonderful! The Photoshop work is so great. You really captured the stockings so well.
I love your illos for run. I thought of that but wasn't sure how to depict it! you did a great job!
Yes, it can be a disaster if there's a runner at the stocking... The second is best, the stocking here look's like a real stocking. I like the simplicity in the image - very nice.
Great Idea, I like the extra detail and coloring in the second one.
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog.
I was actually going to comment on yours earlier, as we thought of the same thing, but the comment page wouldn't load. Glad I got back to you!
Love your version of the stocking run! Lovely textues on the second one, I dig the skirt! Isn't it odd we both used the same black/red pallette as well?
Great use of tools in Photoshop to add texture to a wonderful Freehand rendering. Photoshop can add so much, but there's gotta be a good base on which to build. Very cool.
Like most everyone else, I like the second one too. It's much more interesting. Thanks for the comment on my blog.
What a great idea for the topic! I love the colors and the shading. The pattern on the skirt to is wonderful!
Great spin on the topic and nice bit of Freehand work on those legs! I like the added texture to the second pic but it's a simple, eye-catching illo either way - a good ad for clear nail-polish (for sticking those runs to stop them getting worse :).
Fun illos!
I love how 3D the legs are in the second one. great job!
Thanks for the comment and the advise!
I am hoping to send in a list of copyrighted work soon....
Thanks again...!
Second one is my fav, as well! Great idea and illustration for the theme!
texture does SO much for the illo. Nice job!
Diggin' on the run in the fishnets! Ooh la la!!! The fishnets with red dress sets the tone nicely!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks SO much for the nice comment on my illo!
When i saw the first one the first thing I thought of was "he should've added some texture on the stockings". When I scrolled down to the 2nd one I saw that you did. Adding the textures really help make it come to life. Looks great!
oooh!! verry clever take on the theme! love the nylon texture too!!
Great idea for this!
Both are great but I like to second because I'm partial to fish-nets!!! I love the illo - I tried to do the same thing and just didn't get it to work (never finished and didn't post). Yours REALLY works!!
great fishnets - you've got the perfect amount of subtle shading in there too just to round out the legs and skirt
Thee are both nice, I love the one with the mesh stockings. Mary IMAGIK
Very cool! I like the mesh.Pretty hot.
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