Illustration Friday-Safe
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This is my entry for Illustration Friday's "safe" theme.
Here are some powerful statistics:
There are 4.2 million porn sites (12% of total sites)
2.5 billion porn emails are sent daily
116, 000 daily searches for "child pornography"
20% of youths have received sexual solicitation
Average age of first internet porn exposure: 11 years old
40 million US adults regulary visit porn sites
10% of adults admit to internet sexual addiction
The porn business earns $57 billion worldwide
I got my stats here:
Here is my Freehand file before I brought it into Photoshop...
All of my IF entries are original illustrations created for each challenge. No recycled art.
I'd love your feedback, good, bad or otherwise. I'm here to get better and grow.
I also just posted my very late entry for "opposites". So take a look if you have a minute.
Thanks for taking a look, and taking the time!
scary stats! love the illos...
Yow! Good illustration!
I like the green glow around the body. Nice take on the theme.
after the kind comments you made about my safe illustration, i feel kind of bad saying this, but i have to be honest. compared to your other entries this one's a bit weak. in a blatant attempt at redeption i'd like to add that i love the ones for sacrifice, sticky, and run. :-)
powerful stats, yes. i also like the green glow...sort of nuclear, something you will never be able to get away from
Hey man! You provide good info as well as good illo! Cool cool cool! As for myself I am hyper. Thanks for the information, the awareness, and your illo posted, lastly thanks for your comment.
I love the green glow! great work!
I bet that safe sex through the net will not be safe forever. My conspiracy theory is that a virus is secretly being developed in order to attack this kind of activity. ;-)
Tks for the comments!
Sadly, the infrastructure of the internet would collapse into rubble if not for porn.
This is clever, informative and so well done! I wonder what this all means? It is kind of sad that people (probably men) I just don't see a bunch of women sitting around their computers staring at pix of naked men. I could be wrong... Great idea and illo!!!
nice job!
great take on the topic!
I could definitely see this as an illustration for an editorial piece in a magazine or something. Simple and to the point.
Valgalart - you mean there are pix of naked men on the Web and I've been wasting all this time looking at Illustration Friday and KittenWar?!?!?
Superb illo and interesting but scary information. I did a take on safe sex (sorta) too. I appreciate that you do new work for Illo Friday. It makes it lots more fun to see what people come up with on short notice.
This illustration is well rendered and packs a LOT of punch behind it. Sobering Statistics.
Scary internet!!!! scary people...
Great illustration
What a concept.
So true...
Very well done. I enjoyed revisiting your blog and looking at your wonderful illustrations.
My favorite is the illo below with the fishnet stocking!
You have a great skill set ... I wish I could create like you do!
The Tart
; *
Ps. Cute avatar!
Super cool, clever illustration. Scary and depressing statistics you site as well, and this piece defines those numbers so perfectly. Excellent!
I like the clean style.
I don't know how I stand on porn. It is a lot safe-er than many other things one could be engaged in. Like chocolate chunk triple monkey banana marshmallow with whole peanut butter cup ice cream, one should limit one's intake.
You like the details in my grasshopper drawing. As I was working on it, I was thinking that this thing would really be a monster if if were our size. Nasty mandible combinations.
Man, sobbering facts eh! And I really appreciate your original art - not recycled. I feel that the purpose of these forums is to bring us to the "table" to create so you are sticking with the spirit of the forum! I need to go look at your other postings now! Provided I can get them to load. I have the world's slowest connection to the internet! I think my provider has substituted turtles for electrons.
came to say thanks for the comment... and now.. i must say.. nice work!...aint photoshop grand...
Nice statistics! Intresting info you have there and so nicely twinned with your sassy illustration.
wow it really pops after running it thru PS gives it alot more depth. also great stats on the porn industry. oh my concept was not of a board game. actually there was no concept thus the last entry safe is i got nothing this week.... its just a bunch of
random thoughts that i figure most ppl have about being safe and some of my own. then i just shoved them into the word safe that i made outta white blocks. the blocks to me are more lik ebuilding blockes which i love to play with as a kid. but nothing in my mind said board game. that is from u the audience that views my work and interputs it that way. sorry for the rant. i know TMI
yes sir ! that safe !! haha, cool illo !
I found you via my friend Misty's blog..
Great Illustrations!!
Not to mention I love your icon:)
Wow, well done! The green glow is great.
Great play on words for the topic and nicely portrayed in the illustration. Yeah, it's easy to assume there's anonymity (read: safety) in the activities one pursues on the 'net, but it all comes around to bite (byte?) one in the end, or some such place. Thought-provoking stats.
Reminds me of the song from Ave Q ... the internet is for PORN! Great idea and nice work.
Powerful commentary!
Interesting stats, and a provocative subject matter.
Good illustration. Mr Demosthenes is perhaps a better art critic than I, and the artist needs that kind of criticism in order to grow, however I still enjoyed your work. The stats show that the dark side of the net isn't safe.
cool idea, I like it, and well-executed! Mary IMAGIK
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