Illustration Friday-I Spy
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This is my entry for IF's topic "I Spy". Created today, Tuesday, specifically for the challenge. This one, plus the last two entries are becoming a series.
Thanks so much for the many great comments last week! It's awesome to receive them, and much appreciated!
This is one is done is the same style, which is new for me. After I conceive my idea, I create a quickish vector drawing in Freehand, then I print it out and I draw over it onto vellum...drawing quickly and on a somewhat rough desk. This is very unlike me usually. I then paint a background with acrylics and scan the two pieces into Photoshop where I tweak a bit, but actually not much.
These last three drawings I've tried to create a story. More specifically a story designed where you can help fill in the lines, by not telling too much. I think it's working. What about you, do you think it's working?
As always feedback of all sorts is welcome!